As at December 31, 2016 As at December 31, 2015
  Non-current Current Non-current Current
Provision for Voluntary Leave Program costs - 34 11 59
Annual bonus and other employee bonuses - 153 - 139
Unused annual holiday leave - 131 - 127
Other provisions for employee benefits 1 14 - 3

Change in provisions for employee benefits

  Retirement, pension and post-mortem benefits Coal allowance Energy tariff Social Fund Medical care Jubilee awards Other employee benefits Total
AS AT JANUARY 1, 2016 492 160 693 312 64 953 339 3,013
Actuarial gains and losses excluding discount rate adjustment (33) (9) (105) (7) (1) (21) - (176)
Discount rate adjustment (20) (8) (43) (20) (3) (27) - (121)
Current service costs 17 1 9 4 1 42 - 74
Past service costs 6 4 41 17 2 (93) - (23)
Interest costs 15 7 21 9 2 28 - 82
Benefits paid / provisions used (14) (8) (24) (11) (2) (95) (537) (691)
Provisions reversed - - - - - - (59) (59)
Provisions raised - - - - - - 577 577
Other changes 1 - - - - 1 13 15
AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2016 464 147 592 304 63 788 333 2,691
Change recognized in operating costs (24) (5) (50) (21) (3) 98 (531) (536)
Change recognized in other financial income/ (expenses) (15) (7) (21) (9) (2) (28) - (82)
Change recognized in other comprehensive income 53 17 148 27 4 - - 249
  Retirement, pension and post-mortem benefits Coal allowance Energy tariff Social Fund Medical care Jubilee awards Other employee benefits Total
AS AT JANUARY 1, 2015 525 152 695 301 58 1,042 470 3,243
Actuarial gains and losses excluding discount rate adjustment (11) 22 44 11 11 (27) - 50
Discount rate adjustment (20) (7) (44) (18) (3) (30) - (122)
Current service costs 18 1 9 4 1 49 - 82
Past service costs (19) (4) (5) (6) (2) (19) - (55)
Interest costs 13 4 18 8 1 26 - 70
Benefits paid / provisions used (16) (8) (23) (10) (2) (93) (573) (725)
Provisions reversed - - - - - - (116) (116)
Provisions raised - - - - - - 560 560
Changes in the PGE Group - - (1) - - (1) (1) (3)
Other changes 2 - - 22 - 6 (1) 29
AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2015 492 160 693 312 64 953 339 3,013
Change recognized in operating costs (1) 3 (3) (20) 1 22 (444) (442)
Change recognized in other operating income/ (expenses) - - - - - - 2 2
Change recognized in other financial income/ (expenses) (13) (4) (18) (8) (1) (26) - (70)
Change recognized in other comprehensive income 31 (15) - 7 (8) - - 15

Sensitivity analysis of the value of actuarial provisions as at December 31, 2016 for changes in key assumptions:

  Carrying amount Discount rate Expected average growth rate of the basis of calculation
    -1 p.p. + 1 p.p. -1 p.p. + 1 p.p.
Retirement, pension and post-mortem benefits 464 25 (50) (50) 30
Coal allowance 147 16 (13) (7) 17
Energy tariff 592 75 (87) (61) 88
Social Fund 304 36 (41) (43) 36
Medical care 63 7 (6) (7) 8
Jubilee awards 788 21 (78) (79) 30
TOTAL 2,358 180 (275) (247) 209