Short-term deposits are made for different periods, from one day up to one month, depending on the Group’s needs for cash, and are deposited at individually agreed interest rates.

The balance of cash and cash equivalents comprises the following positions:

    As at December 31, 2016 As at December 31, 2015
Cash on hand and cash at bank 808 1,304
Overnight deposits 42 57
Short-term deposits 1,819 1,743
TOTAL 2,669 3,104
Interest accrued on cash, not received at the reporting date (2) (1)
Exchange differences on cash in foreign currencies (1) (2)
Cash and cash equivalents presented in the statement of cash flows 2,666 3,101
including restricted cash 107 333
Undrawn borrowing facilities as at December 31 6,081 5,257
including overdraft facilities 2,001 2,254

For detailed description of credit agreements please refer to note 25.1.4 of these financial statements.

Restricted cash disclosed in the consolidated statement of cash flows relate primarily to:

  • cash received as a guarantee of proper execution of the contract and cash received as a tender deposit;
  • cash deposit securing the settlements of subsidiaries of the PGE Group with Izba Rozliczeniowa Giełd Towarowych S.A. (Warsaw Commodity Clearing House)