We believe that the basis for PGE Group's lasting, sustainable development is maintaining proper partner relations with institutions that continuously supervise the markets in which we operate.
We emphasise constructive and transparent dialogue with independent market regulators and market supervisory agencies. We operate in accordance with the following rule from PGE's Code of Ethics: "We build trust by duly informing about our business"
PGE Group's business is subject to the regulations and oversight of several central institutions. The key ones include:
- Energy Regulatory Office
- State Mining Authority
- General Directorate for Environmental Protection
- Office of Technical Inspection
Energy Regulatory Office
The Energy Regulatory Office is one of the most important agencies that have impact on the Group's on-going activities. Decisions made by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office have crucial meaning for the Group's functioning, especially in the area of concessions. We respect the role of the Energy Regulatory Office as an institution tasked with balancing the economics of energy companies and the interests of clients. In our dialogue, we promote mutual understanding and mutual representation of objectives that include guaranteeing energy security and sustainable economic development.
State Mining Authority
Our miming activities remain in alignment with requirements of the State Mining Authority, which reflects the interests of stakeholders represented by us - employees, local communities and natural environment. Just like the State Mining Authority, we strive to improve workplace safety and protection of miners' health, optimally manage mineral deposits and reduce the harmful impact of mining on people and the environment.
General Directorate for Environmental Protection
We strive to fulfil all expectations concerning environmental requirements for our investments and existing installations. With full responsibility and being fully aware of this responsibility for the natural environment, we conduct environmental studies, e.g. for our wind farm project on the Baltic or the nuclear power plant.
Office of Technical Inspection
Due to the nature of PGE's business, a great deal of technical equipment used by us is subject to technical supervision. Meeting the highest technical requirements for our installations continues to be a priority for us. This is an expression of our responsibility for our employees and local communities.