Employees are PGE Group's most important asset. Thanks to their experience and involvement, we are building a values-based organisation in which social responsibility is combined with business goals.

PGE Group is the third largest employer in Poland, providing stable employment to more than 38 000 people throughout the country. 


Source: Rzeczpospolita "List of 500 Largest Polish Businesses" 2017

Employment structure by segment

We strive to ensure that our employees have optimal conditions for career development. PGE Group invests in their development not only through a wide array of training and courses, financing for higher studies, but most importantly by giving them opportunities to overcome interesting professional challenges. Our approach to employee matters is presented in PGE Group's Code of Ethics, adopted in 2016, in the chapter "People at our company". The standards and rules presented therein address friendly working conditions, self-improvement and development, promoting safety and health amongst employees. Development of employee competences, including through the implementation of a talent management system, is also an element of PGE Group's updated strategy for 2016-2020, adopted in September 2016.

Since 2015, PGE Group has a Human Capital Management Strategy ("HCM Strategy”). Its objective is to support the business strategy in effectively achieving its objectives by ensuring strategic and operative management of human resources as well as the optimisation and standardisation of HR processes. Workplace Architecture is the most important HR tool implemented in 2016, introducing a consistent Group-wide system for defining workplace requirements, which is essential for effectively managing human capital. Thanks to Workplace Architecture, HR solutions can be more harmonised.

Generation gap

One of the challenges addressed by the HCM Strategy, which PGE Group faces, is the advanced average age of employees, and a lower interest shown by younger generations in working in the energy industry. We estimate that in the next 8 years about 13 ths. employees will leave and at the same time will be hired. In 2016, for the first time in many years, we hired many employees at our key subsidiaries. We are aware of the fact that managing an employee through his/her lifecycle, including effective professional adaptation, is key to filling the generational gap. In the coming years, the Group plans to undertake initiatives aimed at closing the generational gap. 

How we do it?

To counteract this, PGE Dystrybucja has implemented a special learning programme in vocational schools. Thanks to this, selected schools from areas where PGE Dystrybucja operates have created special classes for future energy professionals. Students gain knowledge and hands-on practice necessary to start working at PGE Group companies.

Another example is an educational programme prepared by PGE Dystrybucja S.A. in 2016 in connection with forecasts for a generational gap among electric technicians. Cooperation was established with first- and second-level vocational schools and universities concerning internships, provision of specialist equipment to school workshops and organisation of teaching sessions.


In hiring new and current employees, we follow rules such as: fairness or equality but we also emphasise diversity. PGE Group has an Age Management Procedure, which sets out conditions for hiring people of different ages. At the same time, in our every-day work we make sure that our employees constitute a diverse group, learning from one another. Younger employees are introduced to their profession and responsibilities by older, experienced staff, which not only allows them to quickly take over responsibilities but also helps in building interpersonal relations. 

How do we do it?

Although energy and mining may seem as the domain of men, PGE Group has plenty of women in jobs related to lignite mining or energy generation. Lilla Skorupińska, lead technical specialist of Turów lignite mine, is just one example.

"I am a miner. I graduated from the Mining Faculty at the Wrocław University of Technology, specialising in the open-pit mining of core minerals. So, I am a miner. For 12 years, I was a deputy foreman, during which time I dealt almost exclusively with men and I can tell from experience that I enjoy working with them. They get straight to the point. I am not going to hide that in the beginning it was very difficult for them to get orders from a much younger woman, but I managed. I guess I have that "something" in my genes. I come from a mining family, my grandfather was a miner, my father and mother also worked at the mine, and my husband also works here."

Employee on-boarding

For new employees from the entire Group, we organise cyclical shared adaptive workshops called "Turn on the Power." They get two days to listen to speeches concerning key management areas at PGE Group and visit our two largest facilities - the mine and power plant in Bełchatów. All this so that they can integrate with the group and get to know it better. 

These workshops let them meet people from different business lines and encourage experience sharing and quicker adaptation. This is invaluable experience for employees who are just joining the group, often at the start of their professional careers.

People make up our organisation, their proper introduction to company life in their first work period is certainly an investment for the future.